Continuing the Conversation

by Matt

Dear Luke,

Every time I think of you passing away, it feels like the air pressure dropping in the room and it’s absolutely disorienting. I’m having a hard time making sense of this.

For me, what hurts most right now is your absence and knowing that I won’t see and feel your presence.

The other night a large group of us got together in your memory, and at every point in the night, I expected to see you walk in. I felt it was really appropriate that you brought a bunch of people together to spend time with one another and connect.

I feel upset, and fortunate, that the last time I saw you I got to articulate how much I appreciated you and your presence, and how much I was looking forward to seeing you next.

I’m lucky to have known you.

Thank you for being you. For bringing so much love and joy to so many of my loved ones. For being a light in so many people’s lives.

Love and missing you,


P.S. Thank you for always checking in and asking how life was going every time we saw each other. Something I adored about you is that you always asked, and always remembered what we had spoken of last. It was as if we were continuing the same conversation for months at a time.

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You Were the Best of Us


Chosen Family