You Were the Best of Us

by Heather T.

The world lost a beautiful human just days ago, and I lost one of the most beautiful friends I’ve had. I met Luke and Nicole almost 6 years ago, and I remember their bright, smiley, welcoming faces like it was yesterday. In fact, every time after that first meeting they smiled just as brightly and big with each greeting. Luke, you always called, and when you asked how I was, you genuinely wanted to know. You loved details, you were a people connector, you made cheesy funny jokes, and you were always consistent with your love.

You loved and supported me during my darkest time while I was trying to get out of an abusive relationship. You never abandoned me and you always took my calls, you never judged. You, in fact, were a huge help in getting me out of that hell. I don’t know if you ever knew just that.

You celebrated me at my best times. You were my biggest cheerleader. You loved your friends and, my god, how you loved Nicole. Your and Nicole’s love was something that always gave me hope . Your networks of hundreds of friends will make sure she is taken care of. Always.

I am going to miss our catch-up calls during your jogs. I’m going to miss a lot of things. I am sorry we hadn’t been in touch as much recently, but I loved you just the same. And I hope you knew that. Thank you for being my friend, and thank you for loving me.

The only solace I have is in knowing I’ll see you again, my friend.

Luke, you were the best of us.

And I will miss you everyday for as long as I’m alive.

Till next time,
My dear friend 💛💛💛


You Aren’t Going to Ride Every Wave


Continuing the Conversation