To Explain the Unexplained

by Cris Gianakos

(Remarks originally shared at Luke’s Celebration of Life)

We all have had some time to reflect on the passing of our dear Luke. Don’t try to figure this out. We can control the small things in our lives, but the big ones elude us most of the time. This is the second time this has happened to me in my life. What you take away from this is you try your best to move on and focus on Luke’s sterling and not so sterling qualities and keep them in our hearts and thoughts always.

I would many times confront Luke about what was going on in his life. I had advice for him, which I think he did not take so well. In the end, I can’t get it out of my mind that maybe Luke was right on course and I was just spitting into the wind.

During holidays, when we finished our dinner, usually Luke was the one to get up and do the dishes.

Luke loved exchanging gifts. He always had a loaded Christmas stocking on his mind.

That big hearty laugh, I can hear it now! I know we will meet again, not in this familiar form, but in the spirit realm.

I have selected a C.P. Cavafy poem which I thought appropriate, which Barbara will read:


Deep in fear and in suspicion,

With flustered minds and terrified eyes,

we wear ourselves out figuring how

we might avoid the certain

danger that threatens us so terribly.

And yet we’re mistaken, that’s not it ahead:

the news was wrong

(or we didn’t hear it; or didn’t get it right).

But a disaster that we never imagined

suddenly, shatteringly breaks upon us,

and unprepared—no time left now—we are swept away.

C.P. Cavafy, 1910; 1911


We Are Your Legacy


A Tribute to My Son