Journey Around the Sun

by Josh Newman

I've never been a fan of my birthday. To be the center of attention always made me feel uncomfortable and self conscious. I much prefer bringing a group together where friends can see each other and maybe meet someone new from another part of my life. The day was a success if everyone wakes up the next morning sore from laughter and a new friend in their life.

Luke exemplified a completely selfless nature. He brought people together on his birthday and every day in between. He loved. He cared...and he was always there for anyone in need.

Luke passed away three days before my last birthday.

Friends and family, both new and old, came together to comfort Nicole, to grieve with each other and to process. How could I in good conscious hold a birthday party? And yet organically…a gathering came together...not really to celebrate my journey around the Sun...but simply to be with each other. There was hugging, and crying, and laughing, and parts that shall be known only to that evening. Most of all, we came together as we hope Luke would have wanted…as friends who loved and cherished each other.

Luke will never celebrate another birthday. But when the leaves begin to turn each year and another candle is added to the cake, a second candle will be added in the memory of your kindness and your life.

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The Gospel According to Luke

