Go in Peace

by Aurora Temporal

To my friend Luke Haseloff:

We didn’t talk all the time. Sometimes I felt awkward around you. It says more about me than you that I couldn’t accept your vast kindness, humility and integrity as genuine and surmised something false where there was only love.

I don’t know if I told you this, but you and N were the first members of my chosen family, of the people I hold most dear. Before I found our community, I was more lonely than words can account for. I thought New York didn’t have a place for me and I wanted to leave. But meeting you changed that. You welcomed me and Ben with warmth and love, and my life has been so much better since then. In this community you welcomed me into I have found myself, learned to love more deeply, more freely. Thank you for being so amazing, for helping me change my life, to find my best self.

It’s wrong and stupid and fucked up that you’re gone. The world is darker without you in it. I don’t know how anything will ever be okay again when chaos sees fit to rob us of you.

I miss you. I love you. Go in peace.

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Boundless Soul


The Master Networker